Thursday, April 1, 2010

Menu 4/1- 4/15

This post will be incomplete when submitted, and then updated. Life has been very busy at our house and I haven't done my menu planning. I have my coupons, and I have plenty here in the way of food, but have been distracted by the nice spring temps. Had lunch with a friend today, a rare event that I would like to perpetuate, and planted early crops in the raised garden bed out back. Being that I am woefully out of shape, that was quite an adventure (getting up and down LOL). But there are now broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower planted. Turns out I have a left over carrot sprouting so I went ahead and planted another square foot of them, and the rest of the sq ft that was carrots last year. The onion sets went into a large pot on the back porch. I have more than I need, and the rest may go to waste... I hate that but is it more wasteful than growing them and never eating them?

Spent a little time with my Mom yesterday. We had lunch, wandered the yard to look at her flowers, and pondered family politics. I don't spend enough time with her. I need to fix that.

So tonight I want to make a major dent in the skirts I am altering, make my menus up and post them, and finally convince my family that clean, folded clothes belong in drawers and not hampers in the living room!! So I will be back with menus...I know you await that info with bated breath LOL!!

Yeah, so I didnt get back here and I didn't get a menu up. In fact, I didn't get it written either! So I will try to get that done tonight after a little with my Sims 3 (haven't played in months and I have a yen to build some houses). Today I went to Lexington with my Mom and niece. We hit the fabric store and two needlework stores. It was fun. I got out hamburgers to thaw for the grill. When hubby came home we went to the store for some "grilling meal necessities" and bought a few other things that were going to be on the list but were on sale today. So here's how it looks:


Ball Park Franks (2 pkgs) @ $3.49 (total cost with .75 coupon= 6.23
Sliced Kroger sandwich cheese $2.18
General Mills All Purpose Flour $2.69 (with store card-1.49, and coupon .75 =total cost $1.15
Lays Chips 2@ $3.21 (with store card -$1.98 each)
Yakisobi noodles 6@ 1.00 each (coupons $.50 off, total cost $3.00)
big K diet cherry cola 2@.79 each
A&W Cream Soda $1.50
Speed Stick Antipersperant $3.29 (store card discount final cost 2.00)

Total cost with no discounts: $32.44
Total cost with Store Discounts: $25.99
Total cost with Store Discounts and coupons: $21.49

So tonight we are having grilled burgers and chips. Next week is the daughter's spring break. So definitely will need to have a menu. I will do it and post shortly.

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