Monday, April 19, 2010

4/19 Surprise Surprise!!

Well with spring comes the need to garner some semblance of control over ones life. Happens every year. I think, well its time to start walking and eating a more healthy diet. Its time to get back on track with the finances. Its time to rebuild the emergency fund, organize the sewing room, clean up the yard. Every year I say it, sometimes I even attempt it, and every year I have let it go by the wayside. This year is different.

This year I asked The Hubby to get involved. We have a Wii, so we have agreed to use it every day and/or walk the neighborhood. This, plus the garden several days a week should help me get some much needed exercise and sunshine. I just feel dull and uninspired and I am over it. So its time to start looking at how to change it.

So I got on the Wii and much to my surprise, I have lost 5 lbs this month!!! I was sure that would not be the case! So... a little drop in the ol' BMI is good for the motivation.

We also have an annual tradition. Every year on Memorial Day weekend we have a BBQ. It happens to coincide with the youngest daughters birthday(and this year also graduation), and recently my niece and nephew from Alaska have been in the state during this time. As a result there is a major house cleaning effort to get ready for the party. Today we decided that we also want to have a big yard sale and get rid of a bunch of stuff that really needs to go out of our home. So... to further both events we are going to take a week for each room, clean, sort, determine what stays and what goes. This will let us get everything cleaned up and be ready for the yard sale (which will definitely happen AFTER the party).

I found my Weight Watchers books again. While I am not going to try to go all out with the program, there are some good recipes out there. Also there is an explanation of what a real serving looks like in the books, and we are going to start using that. Its a new dimension to menu planning, whoopee! (Yes that was a bit "snarky". This menu planning is really taking over my life some days.)

We did order Angel Food again this month. Pick up day is on Saturday. So we need to get some of the frozen stuff out of the freezer.

Wii--30 minutes

Oops! Just realized its time to do another week of menus! Well I will try to get to that tonight, in the meantime dinner is Chicken Fried Rice (Banquet everything in a box for $3), fortified with some kind of additional frozen veggies. We have white cupcakes left for dessert with sliced strawberries and fat free cool whip. Should be good.

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