Saturday, March 13, 2010


Today was the semi finals for mens basketball in the SEC. Anyone who lives in Kentucky knows there are no more passionate fans that the Big Blue Nation. While I try to be gracious regardless I just have to say, the University of Tennessee is rivaled as THE team to beat only by the University of Louisville. Out of state vs in-state :) UT put up a good fight so it was a good game. One more game for the SEC title. Both teams will be tired from playing 3 games in 3 days. And as always, the best thing about NCAA men's basketball is any team, any night, any floor can win.

We didnt get up early enough to fix breakfast so our main meal at home was lunch: tricolored rotini pasta, mixed veggies, and crumbled bacon mixed with light ranch dressing. It was yummy.

Supper is going to be chicken alfredo (Banquet brand, everything in a box, for $3) and some kind of vegetable.

I also went to Walmart and picked up the following:
Homestyle Chicken Alfredo $3
Chef Boyardee Double cheese Pizza box $2.98
Turkey Pepperoni $3.14
1 can Good Value Mushrooms $.58
2 Sams Club Zero Cola @ $.78 each = 1.56
1 two liter Diet Dr Pepper $1.50
1 two liter A & W Rootbeer $1.00

Total spent: 13.76

Yes, we drink too much soda pop. Most households drink coffee, a fairly economical source of caffiene. We do not. We do drink a lot of iced tea (it's a southern thing), Crystal Light type drinks, and water. Still, we buy generic, to cut the cost, and as long as there is money for it, I will not feel guilty about it. Everyone should have their one luxury.

With the ball game going on, a visit from the married daughter and her spouse, and an unplanned but much needed nap, there was no bread baking today. I will do that tomorrow after the ball game, along with the cupcake baking.

Mom is throwing a ball game party complete with pizza for lunch. I have some weird digestive issue that prevents me from eating any kind of commercial pizza, so I will be making mine after church and bringing it along. This is a relatively new thing and I am relieved that Chef Boyardee pizza doesnt make me have stomach pains.

I will do some grocery shopping tomorrow afternoon also. The AF order has to go in also, but that cost will go on the April food bill, even though it gets spent now. We dont get the food until then so I will always start my month out with less than $200 to spend. I dont mind, because the AF is such a good deal. Tomorrow will also be the big menu setting day (prior to the grocery run) and the big "clean out the fridge" day. Busy busy, but necessary for staying on track with this frugal food plan.

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