Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Life Laughs at My Plans

It is said God laughs when men make plans. If that is the case, I expect He has really enjoyed the last 48 hours.

I am not certain exactly where we went off course. Maybe it was the realization that the money spent by any member of the family on food was part of the budget and had to be documented? Or perhaps it was the unexpected job interview that kept me so focused on being prepared I failed to fill the crock pot with breakfast casserole. That one snowballed into everyone spending money on breakfast food, gas we hadn't planned for, and driving close to 3 hours round trip. I wanted to buy fast food and come home and nap, but I didnt. I came home and made a burger (with hamburger that I am sure was supposed to be in some other meal.) . I didn't rebound well from that change in schedule, and then we had to get to the candlelight vigil in Lexington at our congressman's office in support of his No vote on the Health Care bill. That required picking up the daughter, driving to pick up the Hubby, and then eating in the car at Sonic because that was the only way to get everyone in place on time. Hubby just let me know hes not feeling well, so church is probably not happening this evening. Fortunately I haven't cooked for 2 days so I can steal a meal not prepared for tonight.

So, nothing has happened per menu for 3 days. In fact, I am not sure if I still have all the receipts. I suspect we have spent a good $75, on either junk or meals out, just dealing with this week. Its only half over too!

Still, I am determined to get back on track. Tonight, I will make bread and I will fix the breakfast casserole. The dishwasher is running, and dinner will be thawing just as soon as I figure out what its going to be. (I don't keep the menu in my head, its on here. I have to go look and see what was on the list LOL)

There will be times like this again. Hopefully I can get better organized as time goes by and these situations will not throw such a monkey wrench into my plans.

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