Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pantry and Freezer to the Rescue

Well, with the Hubby's unemployment checks messed up, and my paycheck "in the process" of being direct deposited, life is very tight at our house at the moment. So I did an inventory of the freezer, and the food storage, and turns out we will be able to eat. Yes, we have to cook, much to Hubby and my Daughter's chagrin. They don't mind to cook, but its not... well...instant, ya' know?

So this morning it was pancakes, hot off the griddle, and scrambled eggs. Not sure what they did for lunch, but dinner is foil packet grilled flounder and yellow squash (who knew that was in the freezer?), lemon dill rice (with fresh dill from the garden), I will have 2 flounder steaks left over so they will probably be my lunch tomorrow. Wonder what tuna salad is like with flounder? Hmmmm, I'll let you know.

Oh yes, I made a batch of Magic Mix Chocolate Pudding. That will be a nice cool treat later this evening.

My green beans are producing, but only a meals worth at a time. I am thinking that is not going to be a canning project from garden this year. Maybe next year. I will have to buy beans, and I just don't really want half runners. Maybe once I have money again there will be some other types of beans at the farmers market.

Since I have sick for the last 7 weeks I have not been out much. Blood work shows that I have a very low level of vitamin D. Well yeah, I haven't been outside for weeks! No sunshine. But I will have to take prescription vitamin D for 6 weeks and see if it helps. Its no wonder I am worn out, can't shake this bronchitis, and my memory is bad!! I am taking a multi vitamin too with extra minerals. Between the two I should be back in the game in no time. Why not just go outside? Yeah, well I have these brown spots developing on my face from sun shining through my glasses, the humidity is horrific for asthmatics, and so I am not getting out like I usually would.

I did go to the store today and purchase:
medium eggs for .88
1 gallon of milk for $1.99 (marked down due to date, but no trouble for us to get through)
1 package of margarine .78

The other thing the test results showed was that my cholesterol has gotten too high. Not terribly, but enough to take action. The doctor would like me to take fish oil capsules but I just can't make myself do that... ick! So I am going to eat oatmeal every day for breakfast, eat low fat food, and get a bit more exercise. That will be good for me all around. I think I can manage this. We will see. I have read that yoga is better for stress relief than anything else, and stress hormones will raise your cholesterol too. So its Wii and yoga for me...

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